The average American family has changed a great deal over the last few decades. The assumption that a couple will share finances, tax obligations, and a last name is one that does not necessarily [...]
The Trump administration is officially rolling back a ban on the use of arbitration agreements by nursing homes that was initiated under President Obama. CMS issued a rule that once again [...]
Older Americans with a life insurance policy that they no longer need have the option to sell the policy to investors. These transactions, called “life settlements,” can bring in [...]
For most people, the phrase “power of attorney” means very little. Even for those educated on the subject, it is easy to forget exactly who serves what role and why. Whether you are unfamiliar [...]
You may be surprised to learn that not only has asset protection planning been around for a long time, but you likely have already engaged in it at some point during your life. In fact, you [...]
Hospice care is supposed to help terminally ill patients maintain their quality of life at the end of their life, but two new government reports find that serious problems in some hospices may [...]
Older Americans with a life insurance policy that they no longer need have the option to sell the policy to investors. These transactions, called "life settlements," can bring in needed cash, [...]
Many people believe that once they set up a Revocable Living Trust and transfer assets into the trust, those assets are protected from lawsuits. This is absolutely not true. While Trusts [...]
If you think you only need to create discretionary lifetime trusts for young, troubled, or financially inexperienced beneficiaries, then think again. In this day and age of frivolous lawsuits and [...]