Life insurance can be an integral and important part of a well-drafted estate plan. There are numerous benefits to owning a life insurance policy aside from providing a large sum of money to [...]
Would an individual be Medicaid eligible in the following scenario? They entered a nursing home on February 16, 2024, at which time assets were below $1,000 and they applied for Medicaid [...]
My husband and I recently became caregivers of my father-in-law. I resigned from my job to be my father-in-law's full-time caregiver. What are the steps I need to take in order for me to [...]
My brother, sister, and I are guardians of our dad. My sister asked her two daughters to move into dad's house to care for him. He was in his home less than two weeks and went back to the [...]
Trusts can offer many benefits, including allowing assets to pass directly to beneficiaries and charitable organizations without going through probate, minimizing taxes, and [...]
More and more elders are choosing to pass on their wealth to heirs while they're still alive. The growing popularity of "giving while living" comes as good fortune for the many young people [...]
My sister-in- law has been in the hospital for almost five weeks. The last couple of weeks, she's been making irrational financial decisions: promising breast reduction surgery to family [...]
As the U.S. population ages and life expectancies increase, the need for long-term care is becoming an important consideration for many individuals and families.